1.5.1/2 release
    More disk
  Machine Types
  Dual boot
  Bootable CDROM
Use Upgrade option
  Partition (MacOS)
  NetBSD stuff on HFS
boot (netbsd.ram.gz)
  Open Firmware
  Getting Media
  disklabel wd0
  replace kernel
  boot (Open Firmware)
  Permanent setup in OF
  Hot Keys
Other Sources
  Error Messages
      netbsd: No such ..
      No response
      SIOCGIFFLAGS gm0: Device not ..
      TERM environment variable ..


After you have written /etc/fstab, you may type
# reboot
(halt won't work, use reboot always) and you will get Open Firmware Prompt again. Now time to boot from the installed NetBSD.

If you got MacOS running again, See hfsboot part to get Open Firmware prompt.

When you got Open Firmware prompt, as already shown at the table, You may boot manually by

0 > boot hd:,ofwboot.elf hd12:
The first argument is to locate boot loader in HFS partition. The second argument is for root(/) location, or kernel in 4.2BSD partition.

Number designates the partition number. It depends your partition setup. It usually starts (the number of MacOS partition) + 1.

boot (Open Firmware)

OF boot command takes three arguments.
  1. boot device
  2. boot file
  3. optional argument
  1. boot device consists of
    Note that colon(:) delimits device to the left, and comma(,) designates that followed name is the boot loader filename.

    Boot device name depends what OF recognizes, so that it varies machine to machine. 'devalias' command on OF may help you to find out the name to use.

    boot-loader-file-name is usually ofwboot.elf or ofwboot.xcf Simple mapping to rember is: use 'ofwboot.elf for OF 3 or later, 'ofwboot.xcf' for OF 1 or 2. But this is not necessary strict.

  2. boot file depends what is written in the boot-device, say, CDROM etc. You have to know the name of file by other sources.

    Its default is netbsd, netbsd.gz of the booting device. So if the name falls into this category, you don't need to type in.

    If your boot device and the / root partition resides in different place, you may say

    for the boot-file to position different root. ( kernel-name is usually netbsd and you may say just root-partition-device: if it name is netbsd.)
  3. optional argument
    The option is:
       -s     single user mode boot
       -a     ask boot device
       exit   exit to OF after argument processed

Permanent setup in OF

Permanent setup for boot-device boot-file

Or you may set OF variable with the command:

0 > setenv boot-device hd:,ofwboot.elf
and type just
0 > reset-all    (You need to this to memorize set above)
0 > boot
You will get single shell message.
ukphy0:  10bastT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX,  100baseTX-FDX, auto
boot device: wd0
root on wd0a dumps on wd0b
root file system type: ffs
/etc/rc.conf is not configured. Multiuser boot aborted.
Enter pathname of shell or RETURN for sh:
We recommend creating a non-root account an using su(1) for root access.
Last Update: Fri, 03 May 2019 15:45:20 GMT 1.66 2008/03/08